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Advantages Of Being A Fat Beautiful Girl

  • I have been overweight since I was about 11. There are countless complaints I could attempt to innumerate like: listening to average sized girls complain about how fat they are, listening to average sized girls talk about their eating habits, listening to average sized girls comment about how fat other average sized girls are, and other things about average sized girls.

    Now, in case you’re thinking, You average sized girl, you aren’t fat! here’s my statement of truth about my size: I’ve hovered between the heavy side of normal and the lower side of obese on the BMI chart for my height and fluctuated between the larger sizes in the women’s section and the lower sizes in the WOMEN’s section since high school. So, no, I’m not as large as some ladies, but I’m definitely not skinny.

    Now, here are the five perks I’ve experienced as a lady of size:

          1. You develop thick skin (and I don’t just mean literally).

    Another silver lining to growing up getting disapproving looks and being called fat is that you develop more grit. Sure, it still hurts—you are human after all—BUT your body’s natural self-defense mechanisms help you to become more immune to bullying and trash talk. (If you are anything at all like me, you also learn how to put bullies in their place.)

    The Essence of Experience

    2. Affectionate.

    Overweight girls love to hug and cuddle so if you’re the type who enjoys getting some affection from a girl, you can’t go wrong with dating an overweight girl provided of course you give them the same amount of affection.

    Love is an emotion of strong Affection.

           3. You take more pride in who you are than how you look.

    The ironic benefits of being excluded from our culture’s definition of beauty is that you can feel freer to rebel against the notion that your beauty defines your value.

    I take a lot of pride in being myself. I’m comfortable with who I am.


          4. Willingness to try any type of food.

    Not all girls are open to trying out different type of delicacies. So if you happen to enjoy trying out new dishes, dating a fat girl is a must. Since they enjoy having a good meal, expect them to be more than willing to be adventurous in trying out different restaurants and cuisines with you.

    Auditing a Dish

         5. Enjoys a good laugh.

    Overweight girls are not shy or afraid to laugh. Since they’re not actually concerned about their appearance, they’re not worried about what they look like when they laugh out loud which makes them more fun to be around with. If you’re the type who enjoys injecting humor in a relationship, you can’t go wrong with telling an overweight girl your list of jokes and silly quips.

    The real reason your pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can’t see him laughing at you.
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