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How to wear a Saree to Look Slim

  • Wearing a saree to get a slimmer look is what any overweighing woman would want. Sarees are very fascinating, there are so many ways to drape a saree to get a different style or a clean outfit as desired. Here’s how you can wear a saree to look slim with these easy and simple tips.

    Saree Fabric

    The fabric plays a very important role of wearing a saree to get the needed body shape or say hide the body shape. Over weighted ladies should only wear sarees of georgette, chiffon, light material fabrics but not those which are too transparent. Light weight fabric stick to the body figure and are helpful to enhance the look by either covering up a certain area or enhancing the certain area to get a balance look.


    Do avoid wearing those heavy or stiff fabric sarees, cotton saree, silk saree and other blends like these are only going to add more volume to your look. Yet cotton silk saree are a better version of silk sarees.

    Embroideries and Embellishments

    Avoid wearing a saree which has too much embroidery on the section wear you have more fat. The embellishment concepts should also not be broader and too big. Having Embroidery on the lower half section of your skirt drape is better as if your may have more work on the front bodice it will highlight your bodice which you will want to avoid to look slim.


    Small motifs scattered all over the pallu of the saree is still a neat way to wear an embroidered heavy saree.

    Drapes to Wear

    Do wear a neat drape with the pallu properly pinned at shoulder and left to hand free on the arm, the open pallu drape. This will cover your bodice to get a clean and slimmer look. If you do have a heavier bust and a good hipline than also try wearing the Mumtaz style saree drape to get the balance look, only with the pallu to be left open free from shoulder onto the arm.

    Don’t make too many lower skirt pleats to tuck in waistline, it will add more structure and bulk to the waist area. Even the Gujarati saree drape isn’t a perfect choice for heavy body shapes as the pallu will come at the front torso and will add more volume.

    Colours to Wear

    Go for darker colours and shaded sarees to create illusion of the flow, which will move the concentration from the heavy body shape. Wearing a saree of a dark and light shade combination is possible only when the lower drape has lighter shade instead of the shoulder drape. Black sarees are perfect for adding the illusion of a slimmer figure.

    Prints and Texture

    Prints should also be worn according to the body shape and not just your personal choice ladies. Bigger prints and broader prints will only bulge up the look, as they fix the eye on a particular area. Go for small or medium prints scattered around the saree. Growing motif design prints on the lower skirt drape is a better option to try on but they need to be in medium scaling size.

    Saree Borders

    Saree borders are what make a saree look finished or complete. So yes, I wouldn’t recommend a saree without borders at all, even a small border is needed to add grace. Wear borders which complement the saree look. Don’t wear bigger wider borders and designs with bigger motifs.


    That’s your easy simple guide with 6 tips to look slim wearing a saree. Here’s a Video tutorial to learn draping of a saree to look slim for any body shape.

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