I’m sure we all absolutely adore colorful things. Surrounding ourselves with bright colors lights up our mood instantly. And these tiny colorful tassels are more than enough to decorate our surroundings and feel all positive!
Tassels can be used to decorate every other thing, lay your eye on something back in your home and bingo you can put these cute little fabric materials there. May it be those table lamps, your pillows, curtains, your dresses or handbags even hanging them at the bottom of your wall paintings or clocks will give your house an altogether different look. I can prognosticate it with surety that you’ll get addicted to these adorably trendy embellishments as they are not only beautiful but also extremely simple to handle.
Have a quick look of what are some out of those many things you can do with these tassels. It’s all creative and that!!
1. Tassel Backdrop:
Whenever you want a quick decoration in your house simply join these tassels together and form a back drop and put it on your wall. And witness how pretty the ambience becomes!

2. Tassel Pillow:
All you have to do is fix these colored materials at the corners of your pillow and it will be a big hit. Be a little artistic and adroit and see what makeover you give to your house without being a spendthrift.

3. Tassel Curtains:
Take your boring curtains to a fun new level with a bit of tassel trim. Just do a little of mix and match, take some good color tassels which go well with your interior and stitch them up.

4. Tassel Scarf:
Every girl would love to look all classic and stylish and accessorizing right is the key to it. Scarves are the most trending accessories and a scarf with tassels will be the cherry on the cake!

5. Tassel Handbags:
Give a 360-degree flip to your monochromatic handbag and make it as stylish as you are, by fixing some beautiful tassels to it. Try something new and be a trendsetter.

6. Tassel Bookmark:
Books are incomplete without bookmarks- ask this to any bibliophile! So why not throw in a handmade bookmark to complete that bonding?

7) Tassel Footwear:
Footwear can add instant glam to your oh-so-boring outfit and you can even add your special touch by adding some tassels to them.

So, these were only a few of the things in which you can attach the tassels but I’m sure that you are quite ardent and will definitely find some more things in which you can put these. So, be the creative minds that you are!
Go through the video and see what creativeness you land up to
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