Everyone craves for a fit body, well-toned calves and flat abs. But apart from regular exercise and healthy diet we, women, need sexy workout clothes also. Our workouts are incomplete without them.
A workout T-shirt would be great paired along with shorts or tights! But then the single most important problem would be where to get this work T-shirt from? It can be hard to find sexy workout clothes that you like and fit you perfectly as well.
Don’t worry! You don’t need to spend any money buying one, we have got you a hack to make a work out T-shirt on your own. This tee is loose in fitting and looks sexy, so while keeping a fit body you can look trendy and hot as well!
Using this DIY article, you can make your own workout T-shirt. You can turn your old T-shirt into a cute cut-back one in fifteen odd minutes!

And the best part is you do not have to change each time you go meet your friends after a workout.
What all you need
An old tee shirt. I suggest you should start with one and try this DIY tip on it for experimentation. After practising your skills on the first one do it on the other, so you can get desirable results by the second one .
And a pair of scissors.
How to make this workout tee:
Step 1:
Cut out the sleeves of your T-shirt to convert it into a tank top. After that cut out the stitched neckline which will give your tee a better neck. Then finally cut out the bottom hem, and do this patiently. Anything done in a hurry might ruin your tee. When you’re cutting the sleeves of your tee shirt, cut down from the shoulder to slightly below the curve of the armpit seam. This is where you decide how thick you would want the straps of the top to be. Cut carefully because you don’t want to harm yourself. Determine how low you want the neckline to be, and then you can cut off the extra.
Step 2:
Flip over the T-shirt and create a racer-back by cutting the arm holes deeply to give a sexy look. Then cut a deep V down from the top of the neckline from the back of the T-shirt. Before doing this, mark the point with a marker till which you want to cut the top.
Step 3:
Stretch out the fabric that you cut away from the bottom. If you would want to use a different color, you can always make two T-shirts and use the bottom hem of the first for tying a knot on the second and repeat the same on the first by using the hem of the second. To tie the knot gather the back of the tee and tie a knot at the top. Wrap the fabric all the way down and back up again, knotting it one final time. Wrap the string all the way down and back up the racer back to tie it to the other end. Cut off the excess fabric carefully. So it looks somewhat like this-

To give your tank a high-low look which is the trend these days, lay your tee sideways. It should be flattened out evenly on the floor or on a table. Starting a few inches up at the front of your it, start cutting diagonally slowly until you reach the back. This looks different from others and is definitely more sexy.
You are done. Throw it on with some cute yoga pants or tights. Now go rock your new workout look this easily!!

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