‘Walk in my shoes and you’ll understand how difficult it is for me!’ We all might have heard this saying, but for a girl it goes something like ‘Walk in my HEELS and you’ll understand how difficult it is for me!’ And then, there are girls who are all on about ‘Sneakers and Chucks!’ And well, we all are very much aware about the ‘ONGOING’ war on the same. Seems like it is an incessant war which might make an excellent topic if and when put up in a debate and we would be still disappointed a ‘MILLIONTH’ time with no conclusion!
So, I’d rather highlight and nadir both the sides of the ‘SHOES‘.
“The higher the heel, the closer to heaven!” Well, that’s what most young ladies would feel like! Heels can be deemed as something which can be good and bad at the very same time. Most girls or women consider heels as a symbol of confidence. Walking all tall, according to some scientific reports, can increase your confidence consistently. On the contrary, they can damage your feet bones, which can be a lot painful. Walking on those ‘Eiffel Towers’, can be proved embarrassing sometimes, when you grace the floor flat on your back with your presence! But, as said by many that every girl is born with the talent to walk on heels, it’s only a matter of a little practice that might turn you into a ‘high heel-dancer!’
“Heels might be classy but the COMFORT the flats bring is indescribable!” speaks the other side of the coin! The comfort that your home or parents bring, is being compared to walking in flats by the FLAT LOVERS! Another perk is some of the heel wearers are too afraid and uncomfortable in running or dancing with them on, so the Flats can be considered a good choice there! Also, we are well aware of the saying, ‘Put your dancing SHOES on!’ and not HEELS, which just proves my point! Another thing which might equate the weight of both the sides of the scale is that heels rule out the option of creating a ‘simple and cool style quotient’, rather by implying ‘high with class’!
But I wouldn’t say that I have total inclination towards flats cause come on, going to a classic party and wearing a pretty dress then of course what compliments more THE HEELS, right? One cannot deny that being a girl you have an inbuilt attraction towards The Kitten Heels,Pumps,Stilettos,Ankle Strap Heels, Wedge Heels, Wedge Sandals, Cone Heels and Sling Back Heels and the list continues. These beautiful heels are good enough to carry a lady figure at some specific times, maybe!
So the question of “HEELS OR NO HEELS” leaves us confused like the famous question, without an answer- “WHAT CAME FIRST- EGG OR A CHICKEN?”
There might be a lot of pros and cons on both the sides but its entirely your choice what to try, I would suggest that heels are not all wrong you may wear them but seldom whereas flats can be a regular choice.

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