Believe it or not but one of the first things that a person notices about you, especially another woman is your nails! Yes, so if you have been neglecting your cuticles well then its high time that you embrace the latest style which is now trending: shattered glass manicures. As the name suggests, this manicure resembles shattered glass but it isn’t made up of real glass. Interested to know how you can get this look? Then keep reading this article!

Shattered Glass Manicure Trend
This particular manicure trend has traveled all the way from South Korea. It doesn’t come as a big surprise that this trend has been able to capture the imagination of fashionistas globally! If you are wondering how the glass-like effect was achieved, it’s just cellophane paper. The bits of paper are cut into triangles and then are spaced out and attached to the nail, one on top of the other. In this way, each paper reflects light and resembles shattered glass. Well, you can do it yourself and let your inner fashionista guide you. Here are a few takes on this trend:
Place the triangles one on top of the other to create a layered look.

Glass Shards
Another look that you can aim for is that of glass shards. Cut bigger triangles of different sizes and place them in such a way that they don’t overlap.

As the name suggests, the minimalist look can helps with keeping the manicure simple yet interesting at the same time! If you are in a hurry, then this is the perfect option for you.

Multicolored triangles can be used to created this look which is uber chic. This is something that you should definitely try out!

Inspired to try this out? Watch this video, which will help you do this step-by-step!
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